Genre: Biography/ US history
Format: Hardcover and audio
Status: Purchased Hardcover and Audio via Spotify
Published: April 04, 2023
Soundtrack mood: Notre Dame Victory March
This nonfiction work that reads like a thriller explores the power of the K*K in 1920s Indiana. Staring Madge Oberholtzer, whose abuse at the hands of Grand Dragon D.C Stevenson catalyzed a movement to get the Klan’s power out of Indiana, this nonfiction work will engulf you as you read to learn the outcome of this crime and trial. Egan tells an incredible story of how one seemingly weak individual can change history and fight against corruption. He weaves the tale of the rise and power of the KKK into a twisting narrative that draws you in. He was engaging in a chat with my book club, and the detailed process with which he researches his books was enlightening. The book is easy to read and incredibly well written, with striking parallels to the fear of the “other” and the power of individuals to fight against injustice.
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